Membership at LaserFun allows you to chose your own code name, and tracks your achievements and game stats at our member kiosk and online at iplaylaserforce.com.
New membership including membership card costs $5 and never expires.
Lost your membership card? A replacement membership card costs $3 .
Membership can be completed online using the form below:
Terms and Conditions
The term “LaserFun” means Verity Entertainment Pty Ltd ACN 661 062 442 (trading as LaserFun) and its officers, employees and agents.
The term “LaserFun Venue” means Shop T1 DFO Cairns 274 Mulgrave Road Westcourt 4870.
Booking Conditions:
Bookings are NOT refundable but can be rescheduled as long as more than 48 hours notice is given.
LaserFun management reserves the right to make exceptions to this booking condition by considering and accepting any extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis.
I acknowledge I must call LaserFun (07 4031 9865) in order to reschedule a booking.
Photographic and Media Consent Conditions:
I consent to the collection and use of personal images of any or all booked players by photography or video recording.
I acknowledge these may be used on the LaserFun Websites, Social Media Platforms, Television and Cinema Advertising, for promotions and in publications, to promote LaserFun from this date forward, and for an enduring time into the future while the business of Verity Entertainment Pty Ltd exists.
I agree no personal information such as names will be used in any publications or promotions unless express consent is given by me and any consent given can be withdrawn at any time in writing to the Verity Entertainment Pty Ltd Managing Director via email communication to admin@laserfun.com.au .
Acknowledgement of Risk Conditions:
I acknowledge the activity of laser tag by its nature is subject to risks both foreseeable and unforeseeable, including but not limited to risk of injury as a result of tripping, slipping or falling over, or from coming into contact with objects or other participants in the laser tag arena. Having considered the nature of the activity of laser tag carefully and freely and voluntarily accept all risks associated with it.
Exclusion / Limitation of Liability Conditions:
I agree to the maximum extent permitted by law, LaserFun excludes any and all liability for death or personal injury sustained by any individual in connection with participation in the activity of laser tag, or any death or personal injury in connection with goods or services supplied in connection with the activity of laser tag, including specifically liability caused by any negligent act or omission, breach of statutory duty and/or breach of contract of LaserFun.
Without limiting the above, to the extent that liability of LaserFun in connection with the supply of services cannot be excluded but can be limited, then, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the liability of LaserFun is limited to (i) the supply of the services again, or (ii) payment of an amount equal to the cost of having the services supplied again.
Release, Discharge and Indemnity Conditions:
I agree to release, discharge and forever hold harmless LaserFun from and against all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, demands, loss, costs and expenses in respect of death or personal injury sustained by me in connection with my participation in the activity of laser tag, or any death or personal injury in connection with goods or services supplied in connection with the activity of laser tag, including specifically liability caused by any negligent act or omission, breach of statutory duty and/or breach of contract of LaserFun.
I agree to indemnify LaserFun from and against all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, demands, loss, costs and expenses in respect of death or personal injury sustained by me in connection with my participation in the activity of laser tag, or any death or personal injury in connection with goods or services supplied in connection with the activity of laser tag, including specifically liability caused by any negligent act or omission, breach of statutory duty and/or breach of contract of LaserFun.
Bar to Action Conditions:
I agree this document may be pleaded as a bar to any action, suit or proceeding taken at any time by me against LaserFun arising out of or as a consequence of the activity of laser tag or any incidental activities.
COVID-19 Conditions:
I agree to any additional conditions that may be current from time to time associated with LaserFun meeting its COVID-19 obligations. These details may be found at the LaserFun COVID information page.
General Laser Tag Conditions and Safety Rules:
- I will follow the directions of LaserFun when at the LaserFun Venue.
- I will report any personal injury immediately to LaserFun.
- I will wear footwear at all times in the laser tag arena.
- I will treat other laser tag participants and LaserFun in a respectful manner.
- I will not run when at the LaserFun Venue.
- I will not behave in a reckless manner which could cause injury to myself or others.
- I will not behave in a foolish manner which could cause injury to myself or others.
- I will not engage in physical contact during the laser tag game.
- I will not lay down or crawl on the laser tag arena floor.
- I will not climb on any fixtures in the laser tag arena.
- I will not place laser tag phasers near my face or any other person’s face at any time.
- I will not consume food or drink whilst wearing a laser tag battle suit.
- I will not remove the laser tag battle suit during laser tag game play.
- I will not mistreat the LaserFun Venue or equipment.
- I will report any breaches of these rules immediately to LaserFun.